How Can Ayurveda Help With (Summer) Anxiety?

In the world's oldest health teaching Ayurveda you will find herbs and self-care tools for countless mental and physical complaints. This also applies to SAD, anxiety and stress. Ayurvedic therapist and psychologist Taylie Hu will update you.

In the society we live in now, we are easily overstimulated by the speed and pressure we put on ourselves. As a result, we quickly become unbalanced. The focus is often outwardly, so that we are no longer in touch with ourselves. It is therefore important that we start to feel the connection with our body again, so that we can stand firmly with both feet in the ground. Before I discuss various Ayurvedic herbs that can help you calm down, let's start with the self-care methods that you can use right now.

Three Ayurvedic self-care methods:

1. Examine obsessive behavior in yourself. Are you constantly busy with others, food, exercise, appearance? Do you have addiction-prone coping mechanisms? We all deal with emotions, and some deal with them better than others. Some coping mechanisms serve you, while other mechanisms make you even sicker in the long run than you may already be (mentally/physically). Investigate how you respond to certain stimuli, write down your behavior and thoughts in a log. You will eventually recognize patterns, and when these become clear, you can make conscious choices about how you want to do things differently.

2. Slow down and touch yourself. Newborn babies who are not touched after birth can develop bonding problems. As adults, we still need touch on a daily basis. A warm sweater on cold winter days provides comfort and security. Be that warm sweater to yourself. Give yourself a big hug, touch yourself, consciously and lovingly. Within Ayurveda we give people who have a lot of tension, are stressed and often live in their heads warm oil massages. This abhyanga massage calms your body and mind, helps you ground and get back into your body. Here you will find some delicious ayurvedic oils that you can use to massage yourself.

3. Feed your inner child with the needs you desire. Not all of us had a happy childhood, while our parents may have tried to give the love they could. What did you miss in your childhood, what did you lack? If we are not aware of that, we continue to fill the void with external resources.

And now the Ayurvedic herbs that can support your process, towards more calmness and confidence. It is important to mention here that it is wise to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner about the herbs that can help you specifically. In Ayurveda there is no one size fits all.

Brahmi: good for all mental problems. It provides self-insight and helps with inner focus, stimulates awareness, has a good effect on cognitive ability and increases the problem-solving capacity of your brain. Taking with water provides more focus, taking with warm milk provides relaxation. Usually given in case of burnout.

Ashwaganda: an anti-stress herb that gives the body strength and energy. Taking it with warm milk has a sleep-inducing and calming effect. Taking it with warm water provides more energy. So it is important to know with ayurvedic herbs with what and when to take it for the right effect.

Shatavari: An herb known for balancing female hormones. If you are a woman with hormone complaints and experiencing stress, then shatavari is a good choice for you.

Shankapushpi together with Jatamansi: a herbal complex that has a calming effect on anxiety.

Valerian: an herb that calms you down and helps you fall asleep. In addition, it also lowers blood pressure.

Haritake: also called 'mother', 'it comforts the child'. An herb that helps to reduce fears, but also has a cleansing effect because it cleans the various channels of the body. Do not use haritake for more than three months in a row.

Dashmool: Helps calm the nervous system and is a go-to herb for pain and inflammation. Dashmool also helps to balance female hormones.

Cerebrex: one of the best herbs for anxiety disorders, in combination with mahartarpak a top duo for both anxiety and digestion. Cerebrex in combination with muktapishpi can be nice if you tend to worry a lot and have obsessive thoughts.

Yoginex: helps with sleeping problems. If you experience a lot of stress, it has consequences for the quality of your sleep. Yoginex is often used for restlessness, anxiety, pain and sleep issues. For safety, always approach an Ayurvedic practitioner if you want to use Ayurvedic herbs for your complaints. You can apply the self-care tips right away.”

Taylie Hu, psychologist and Ayurvedic therapist, founder of Conscious Mudi. Have you become interested in how Ayurveda can help you with anxiety? Then go to her website or follow Taylie on instagram: @consciousmudi.

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